Van Sanford, David A

Research Activities

Analysis of FastQ files from wheat breeding lines that have been sequenced with the hope of grouping genotypically similar lines so that we can evaluate the impact of specific genes on certain traits in our wheat breeding program. These traits include grain yield, grain quality and baking quality.



Joyce Robinson, PhD candidate will be analyzing the impact of specific genes (quantitative trait loci) on the aforementioned traits of interest.


Computational Methods

Sequence alignment and identification algorithms - commercially available
Machine learning algorithms - commercially available
Phylogenetic analysis algorithms - commercially available
Variant calling - commercially available
Visualization - commercially available
Statistical analysis - commercially available

Others might be needed as the process goes on but this is generally what will be used.


List of Software

Linux - coding interface
Python - Machine Learning


Group List

David Van Sanford
Joyce Robinson
Maggie Gillum

Center for Computational Sciences