Yu, Guoqiang
Yu Biomedical Optics Lab, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering
Research Area: Near-Infrared Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy/Tomography
Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy is a new thriving biomedical imaging modality. This technique relies on the absorption and scattering properties of near-infrared light (650 nm – 900 nm) of the biological tissue. This approach facilitates visualization of cross-sectional and volumetric views of different body parts, including the brain, breast, limbs, etc. Blood flow contrast imaging can assist in applications such as cancer diagnosis and therapy assessments. Near-infrared diffuse correlation spectroscopy (DCS) is a highly advantageous blood flow monitoring modality through inherent noninvasiveness with deep tissue probing up to several centimeters. With respect to other imaging techniques like Computerized Tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), this approach provides the least spatial resolution. However, due to cost, portability, ease of use, and temporal resolution, it is preferred over CT and MRI for many applications.
In our lab, we try to address current issues related to this technology by developing and exploring faster and more precise image-reconstruction algorithms. We recently developed noncontact diffuse correlation spectroscopy (ncDCS) flowmetry system in our lab. We also extended the idea to noncontact diffuse correlation tomography (ncDCT) for three-dimensional (3-D) flow imaging of deep tissue. Currently, we tackle challenge left with the ncDCS/ncDCT system, including limited source-detector pairs restricting its spatial and temporal resolution. In this regard, we developed a novel prototype CCD-based speckle contrast diffuse correlation tomography (scDCT) system with new algorithms, significantly reducing image reconstruction costs and increased spatial-temporal resolution
Siavash Mazdeyasna, added 4/22/2021
Dara Singh, added 4/22/2021
Namita Arya, added 4/22/2021
Graduate Students:
Mehrana Mohtasebi, added 4/22/2021
Faraneh Fathi, added 4/22/2021
Xuhui Liu, added 4/22/2021
Samaneh Rabienia Haratbar, 4/22/2021
Anchit Bhattacharya, 11/06/2021
We primarily utilize MATLAB Image Processing and ANSYS for Finite Element Analysis. For machine learning we employ MATLAB toolboxes and various Python libraries including Tensorflow and Keras. We employ parallel computing and distributed computing to improve computational speed using multiple CPUs and GPUs. One image reconstruction algorithm may employ at least ten MATLAB toolboxes and take up to one week of computational time on a powerful PC.
R01 HD101508-01 - Yu, Guoqiang (PI), 04/10/20-03/31/25 NIH/NICHD, Noninvasive Noncontact High-Density Optical Imaging of Neonatal Intraventricular Hemorrhage
Goals:To develop a noncontact speckle contrast diffuse correlation tomography system for noninvasive imaging of intraventricular hemorrhages in neonatal piglets and human preterm neonates.
R01 EB028792-01 - Yu, Guoqiang (PI), 03/15/20-11/30/24 NIH/NIBIB, Perioperative Diffuse Optical Imaging of Tissue Blood Flow and Oxygenation for Optimization of Mastectomy Skin Flap Viability
Goals: To develop a CCD/CMOS based noncontact optical imaging system for intraoperative monitoring of mastectomy skin flaps.
- Novel noncontact diffuse correlation spectroscopy and tomography (ncDCS/ncDCT): Huang, S. Mazdeyasna, L. Chen, E. G. Abu Jawdeh, H. S. Bada, K. Saatman, L. Chen, G. Yu. Noninvasive noncontact speckle contrast diffuse correlation tomography of cerebral blood flow in rats. NeuroImage 198: 160-169 (2019). PMID: 31112789
- Novel prototype CCD-based speckle contrast diffuse correlation tomography (scDCT): Huang, S. Mazdeyasna, Li Chen, E. G. Abu Jawdeh, H. S. Bada, K.E. Saatman, Lei Chen, G. Yu. Noninvasive noncontact speckle contrast diffuse correlation tomography (scDCT) of cerebral blood flow in rats. NeuroImage 198: 160-169 (2019). PMID: 31112789
- Novel hybrid near-infrared spectroscopy/diffuse correlation spectroscopy (NIRS/DCS) for the quantification of deep tissue blood flow and oxygenation: Yu, T. Durduran, C. Zhou, H. W. Wang, M. E. Putt, H. M. Saunders, C. M. Sehgal, E. Glatstein, A. G. Yodh, T. M. Busch, "Noninvasive monitoring of murine tumor blood flow during and after photodynamic therapy provides early assessment of therapeutic efficacy," Clinical Cancer Research 11(9), 3543-3552 (2005). PMID: 15867258
Center for Computational Sciences