Fei, Zongming

Fei Lab Introduction

Dr. Fei's research lab focuses on the following fields: computer networks, cloud computing, software defined networking, and cyber-physical systems. Currently, the lab is working on designing a machine learning-based routing protocol for Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks (VDTNs) to support various smart cities applications.


The design of any smart city includes a large number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices that generate large amounts of data. These generated data need to be delivered to the cloud for storage and analysis. However, connecting these IoT devices to the Internet using cellular data can lead to network congestion, which leads to packet loss and affects services provided to the citizens of the city. The goal is to leverage vehicles mobility to route sensor generated data to the destination by designing an ML-based vehicular routing protocol. To measure the performance of the protocol, the following metrics are used: delivery ratio, average delay, and overhead ratio.


Abdulaziz A Alhomaidhi, Added on LCC 02/22/2022, MCC cluster 02/24/2023


Data preprocessing of the vehicles’ traces is needed before training and testing the ML model.

libraries and programming languages needed to complete the project:

Programming languages: Python and Java.

Libraries: TensorFlow/Pytorch, Anaconda, Pandas, GeoPandas, OSMNX, Networkx, Shapely, and any other library needed in the future.


PyCharm, IntelliJ, ONE (a java-based DTN simulation tool)



Center for Computational Sciences