Griffioen, James N

Griffioen, James N

Center for Computational Sciences, Director

Enable and enhance the success of University of Kentucky researchers, collaborators, and supporters whose work will benefit from research computing solutions.


  1. Increase publications and research funding linked to research computing at the University of Kentucky
  2. Increase access to specialized computational resources (hardware, software applications, computational methodologies, collaborative relationships, and people/expertise)
  3. Expand the computational user base through outreach and education

Netlab - Laboratory For Advanced Networking Department of Computer Science, Director

Never has the impact and potential of computer networks been more evident than in recent years. Computer networks have invaded and revolutionized research labs, industry, education, government, medicine, commerce, the arts, and entertainment. Recognizing the importance of networking, the University of Kentucky is determined to establish itself as a national leader in research, instruction, and outreach programs involving computer networks and their applications. Over the past several years, the University has been taking steps to achieve this goal, including the establishment of the Laboratory for Advanced Networking.

The Laboratory for Advanced Networking has a four-part mission:
Provide infrastructure to support leading edge research in computer networks and communication systems.
Facilitate joint research efforts between researchers in academia and industry.
Engage in multidisciplinary research efforts with other academic units at UK and regional institutions.
Develop instructional programs to train UK students in networking and data communication skills demanded by future technology companies across the commonwealth and nation.

A major objective of the Laboratory is to advance the state-of-the-art in networking by investigating and exploring fundamental network research issues such as wide-area network architectures, protocol design, switching/router design, and multimedia communication.

Another goal of the Laboratory is to promote, foster, and support collaborative efforts between the University and industry. The Computer Science Department has already developed ties with several companies such as CISCO, Verizon, Databeam/Lotus, and Lexmark. Collaboration and ties to industry allow the Laboratory to provide guidance and insight into the problems facing industry as well as training their next generation workforce.

Distributed computing and network communication are becoming ubiquitous in all academic disciplines. Because of the widespread use of networks, we understand the importance of providing network advice, recommendations, and expertise on implementing advanced network solutions for the UK campus and public colleges and universities in Kentucky.
Finally, the Laboratory will significantly enrich educational programs offered by the University in the areas of networking and multimedia communication systems. In addition to current networking courses, UK faculty and industrial research associates will offer a variety of new special-topic networking courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels.


Chappell, Jacob D
Chitre, Bhushan
Moseley, Matthew B


Bumgardner, Vernon Cody
Pike, Charles L



Center for Computational Sciences