Jacobs, Nathan

Project: ContextualEyes

Description: Modeling the geodependence of activities, objects and scene appearance using Internet image sources.

Computational methods:

We are developing the algorithms in the Matlab and Python programming environments/languages. The focus is on largescale processing of images using machine learning methods and various linear and nonlinear optimization methods.


● Mohammad Islam (UK CS PhD student)
● Scott Workman (UK CS PhD student)
● Paul Mihail (UK CS PhD student)
● Zachary Bessinger (CS/VIS Center)
● Menghua Zhai (CS/VIS Center)
● Connor Greenwell (CS Grad)
● Ryan Baltenberger (CS Grad)
● David Smith (CS Grad)

●Subash Khanal (ECE Grad)

●Benjamin E Brodie, PostDoc, Added 03/25/2021

●Jacob T Birge, UGrad, Added 03/25/2021

●Nicole H Wong, Added 06/21/2021

Yu Zhang

Xin Xing

Software used:

● Matlab
● Python
● GPUs
● CAFFE (deep learning) http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org(external link)


● Army Research Lab

Publications (resulting from DLX usage):

● none

Project: Hand Xray Analysis

Description: We model bones in a posteroanterior view hand radiograph as a collection of line segments corresponding to proximal and distal cortical surfaces. Our goal is to fit this model to previously unseen images Computational methods: Our method involves a nonlinear optimization of a conditional random field with unary and binary terms. We use compute nodes to perform an optimization step over the model parameters using Matlab.


● Paul Mihail (UK CS PhD student)


● Dr. Gustav Blomquist (UK Radiology)
● Dr. Kris Lohr (UK Rheumatology)

Software used:

● Matlab
● Python


Jacobs, Nathan D11AP00264 Contextual Eyes: A Context-Aware Surveaillance System Department of the Interior 4/20/2011 - 7/31/2015 $734,010
Jacobs, Nathan N11AP20007 Contextual Eyes: A Context-Aware Surveaillance System $43,160 Department of the Interior 4/20/2011 4/19/2015
Jacobs, Nathan FA8650-12-C-7212 WALDO: Wide Area Localization of Depicted Objects $101,179 ObjectVideo Incorporated 3/8/2012 6/6/2016
Jacobs, Nathan FA8650-12-C-7212 WALDO: Wide Area Localization of Depicted Objects $43,785 ObjectVideo Incorporated 3/8/2012 6/6/2016

Publications (resulting from DLX usage):


  1. R. Paul Mihail, Gustav Blomquist, and Nathan Jacobs. A CRF Approach to Fitting a Generalized Hand Skeleton Model. In IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2014.
  2. Scott Workman, R. Paul Mihail, and Nathan Jacobs. A Pot of Gold: Rainbows as a Calibration Cue. In European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2014.
  3. Feiyu Shi, Menghua Zhai, Drew Duncan, and Nathan Jacobs. MPCA: EM-Based PCA For Mixed-Size Image Datasets. In International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2014.
  4. Menghua Zhai, Feiyu Shi, Drew Duncan, and Nathan Jacobs. Covariance-Based PCA for Multi-Size Data. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2014.
  5. Menghua Zhai, Feiyu Shi, Drew Duncan, and Nathan Jacobs. Covariance-Based PCA for Multi-Size Data. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2014.
  6. Nathan Jacobs, Joshua King, Daniel Bowers, and Richard Souvenir. Estimating Cloud Maps from Outdoor Image Sequences. In IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2014.


  1. Nathan Jacobs, Austin Abrams, and Robert Pless. Two Cloud-Based Cues for Estimating Scene Structure and Camera Calibration. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 2013.
  2. Nathan Jacobs, Scott Workman, and Richard Souvenir. Scene Geometry from Several Partly Cloudy Days. In ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC), 2013.


  1. A. Abrams, C. Hawley, K. Miskell, Adina Stoica, N. Jacobs, and R. Pless, Shadow estimation method for “the episolar constraint: monocular shape from shadow correspondence”, 2013. Bibtex
  2. N. Jacobs, S. Workman, and R. Souvenir, “Scene geometry from several partly cloudy days,” in Acm/ieee international conference on distributed smart cameras (icdsc), 2013. Bibtex
  3. P. R. Mihail, J. Goldsmith, N. Jacobs, and J. Jaromczyk, “Teaching graphics for games using Microsoft XNA,” in International conference on computer games, 2013. Bibtex
  4. R. Baltenberger, J. Knochelman, S. Workman, M. Islam, Nathan Jacobs, and J. Griffioen, “Constructing a high-resolution mosaic of kentucky lake,” in Kentucky gis conference, 2013. Bibtex
  5. X. Zhou, S. Workman, M. Islam, Nathan Jacobs, and J. Griffioen, “Cyber infrastructure for the voeis project,” in Symposium in the mathematical, statistical and computer sciences, 2013. Bibtex
  6. PDF M. Islam, N. Jacobs, H. Wu, and Richard Souvenir, “Images+weather: collection, validation, and refinement,” in Ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition workshop on ground truth (cvprw), 2013. Bibtex
  7. PDF N. Jacobs, M. Islam, and S. Workman, “Cloud motion as a calibration cue,” in IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (CVPR), 2013. Bibtex
  8. N. Jacobs, A. Abrams, and R. Pless, “Two cloud-based cues for estimating scene structure and camera calibration,” Ieee pattern analysis and machine learning (pami), 2013. Bibtex
  9. PDF DOI C. Murdock, N. Jacobs, and Robert Pless, “Webcam2satellite: estimating cloud maps from webcam imagery,” in Workshop on applications of computer vision (wacv), 2013. Bibtex


  1. R. P. Mihail, N. Jacobs, and J. Goldsmith, “Real time gesture recognition with 2 kinect sensors,” in International conference on image processing, computer vision, and pattern recognition (ipcv), 2012. Bibtex
  2. S. Workman, J. Knochelmann, N. Jacobs, D. S. White, and R. Hauer, “Registration and visualization of scientific aerial imagery at kentucky lake,” in Ky epscor conference, 2012. Bibtex
  3. E. Welty, T. Pfeffer, S. O’Neel, and Nathan Jacobs, “Calving dynamics of the Columbia Glacier, AK (2000-2011 update),” in Workshop on the dynamics and mass budget of arctic glaciers, 2012. Bibtex
  4. PDF A. Abrams, J. Tucek, N. Jacobs, and Robert Pless, “LOST: longterm observation of scenes (with tracks),” in Workshop on applications of computer vision (wacv), 2012. Bibtex


  1. P. Wang, S. Bhattacharyya, D. White, and N. Jacobs, “Visualization of Kentucky Lake,” in Ky epscor statewide conference, 2011. Bibtex
  2. T. Milliman, K. Hufkins, I. Lavine, Nathan Jacobs, R. Pless, A. Richardson, and Steve Frolking, “The PhenoCam website: adventures in “crowd-sourcing” data collection, distribution and analysis,” in American geophysical union annual meeting, 2011. Bibtex
  3. PDF M. Dixon, A. Abrams, N. Jacobs, and R. Pless, “On analyzing video with very small interesting motions,” in Ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (cvpr), 2011. Bibtex
  4. PDF N. Jacobs, K. Miskell, and R. Pless, “Webcam geo-localization using aggregate light levels,” in Workshop on applications of computer vision (wacv), 2011. Bibtex


  1. PDF A. Abrams, N. Fridrich, N. Jacobs, and R. Pless, “Participatory integration of live webcams into GIS,” in International conference on computing for geospatial research and applications (com.geo), 2010. Bibtex
  2. PDF N. Jacobs, S. Schuh, and R. Pless, “Compressive sensing and differential image motion estimation,” in Ieee international conference on acoustics, speech, and signal processing (icassp), 2010. Bibtex
  3. PDF N. Jacobs, B. Bies, and R. Pless, “Using cloud shadows to infer scene structure and camera calibration,” in Ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (cvpr), 2010.

Center for Computational Sciences