Saito, Kozo*

Saito, Kozo*

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CFD Analysis of Two-Phase Flow in a Packed Bed Reactor

Project Description

1.  Develop gas-liquid counter current flow follow a single spheres surface (finished)
2. Apply multi-spheres in a normal packing in the cylinder having the same diameter as the experiments, and then cut a small concentric cylinder including some whole spheres and half spheres to run gas-liquid counter flow. Determine the pressure drops.(finished)
3. Do the gas-liquid counter flow experiments to measure the pressure drops, and compare the results between simulation and experiments.
4. Use porous media model in the CFD simulation to determine the void fraction in which the results from CFD simulation are agreed to the experiments.


Yang, Li - Graduate Student


All three students will use Ansys14.0-fluent to simulate the water and air flow in a fluid domain and test the pressure drop as results.

Project Description

1. Develop one-D, two-D and three-D models that can simulate process of generating a single liquid droplet in airflow stream with variable velocity.
2. Compare these simulation results with simple experimental results which will be conducted by other students.
3. Develop a prototype design using these models.
4. Further seek a new mechanism to control droplet generation and size distribution using these computational methods.


Doctoral Students
Yang, Li
Poozesh, Sadegh

MS Student
Wang, Peiding


Project we will use Ansys14.0-fluent to simulate the water and air flow in a fluid domain and test the pressure drop as results.

Non-UK Collaborators

Jun Ishimoto, Tohoku University Japan
Kazu Kuwana, Yamagata University Japan
Yuji Nakamura, Toyohashi University of Technology Japan
Kozo Sekimto, Sekimoto SE Engineering Japan
Keng Chuah, INTI International University Malaysia
Belal Gharaibeh, University of Jordan

UK Collaborators

Michael Winter (ME)
Jose Grania (ME)
Rich Honaker (Mining Engineering)
Kunlei Liu (Center for Applied Energy Research)
Tianxiang Li (College of Engineering, IR4TD)
Nelson Akafuah (College of Engineering, IR4TD)
Ahmad Abdelshak Salaimeh (College of Engineering, IR4TD)


  1. K. Saito, A. Ito, Y. Nakamura and K. Kuwana Etd., Progress in Scale Modeling Volume II, Springer, 2014.
  2. J. Ishimoto and K. Saito, “Supercomputing and scale modeling the effect of flotsam mixed tsunami: Implication to tsunami generated by The 2011 Great East Coast Earthquake,” Progress in Scale Modeling Volume II, Springer, 2014.
  3. F. Liu, K. Saito, and K. Liu, “Scale-up of chemical looping combustion,” Progress in Scale Modeling Volume II, Springer, 2014.
  4. M.A. Finney, J. Forthofer, I.C. Grenfell, B.A. Adam, N.K. Akafuah, and K. Saito, “A study of flame spread in engineered cardboard fuelbeds, Part I: Correlations and Observations,” Progress in Scale Modeling Volume II, Springer, 2014.
  5. B.A. Adam, N.K. Akafuah, M.A. Finney, J. Forthofer, and K. Saito, “A study of flame spread in engineered cardboard fuelbeds, Part II: Scaling law approach,” Progress in Scale Modeling Volume II, Springer, 2014.


Saito, Kozo 12-CS-11221637-133 Fire Research and Collaboration US Department of Agriculture 7/31/2012 - 12/31/2015 SCOPE
Saito, Kozo 12-CS-11221637-133 Fire Research and Collaboration $199,924 US Department of Agriculture 7/31/2012 12/31/2015

Center for Computational Sciences