Li, Jing

Li, Jing

Research Activities

We will conduct high-throughput sequencing on intestinal samples from mice and colon cancer patients, including but not limited to mRNAseq, 16s rRNAseq, and scRNAseq. Through comprehensive multi-omics analysis, we aim to investigate the interplay patterns and regulatory mechanisms among intestinal microbiota, neuropeptides, and intestinal cells.


Studies on the association of neurotensin with obesity-related metabolic disorders and aging: Dr. Haoming Wu, Dr. Jun Song and Dr. Banerjee Moumita, will actively participate in the project.

Computational Methods

This study will employ a combination of shell commands, Python scripts, and R programming to perform comprehensive analyses on sequenced fastq sample data. The entire process, spanning from quality control procedures to in-depth R language analyses, will be integrated into our research workflow.

List of Software

Qiime2、 Picrust2、R、python

UKY Collaborators

UK Collaborators: Dr. Jun Song and Dr. Banerjee Moumita
Post-docs Involved:Dr. Haoming Wu

Group List

Haoming Wu
Jun Song
Banerjee Moumita

Center for Computational Sciences