
Instructor:  Jeramiah Smith

Course Description:  Bioinformatics

Syllabus:  BIO520_001_S21

Tentative Outline of Learning Process

1/29/21     Introduction to computational biology and the terminal (blast), file structure

basics, data sources.

2/05/21     Introduction to machine commands and remote access installing and compiling

programs, sequencing technologies.

2/12/21     Pre-proposals Group 1 …. Introduction to machine commands and remote

access installing and compiling programs

2/19/21     Pre-proposals Group 2 ….Intro to assembling transcriptomes and simple

genomes Take Home Quiz.

2/26/21     Assembling transcriptomes and simple genomes

3/05/21     Transcriptional profiling and statistical analysis (from sequence data) Due date

for Written Assignment

3/12/21     Analysis of SNPs and genomic features Take Home Quiz

3/19/21     Catchup of methods for primary data analysis.


4/02/21     Visualizing and interpreting genomic/ transcriptomic data

4/09/21     Visualizing and interpreting genomic/ transcriptomic data Take Home Quiz

4/16/21     Class Presentations

4/23/21     Class Presentations

4/30/21     Class Presentations

5/07/21     Class Presentations

Center for Computational Sciences