CI Resources

CI Resources


UKy HPC resources

The University of Kentucky Center for Computational Sciences is open to supporting computational researchers at our Cyberteam institutions from across the Commonwealth by providing access to our computational resources.  Should you have interest in acquiring an account and access please see the link for additional information on the resources and how to apply. Should you have any further questions, please contact Vikram Gazula at gazula@uky.edu 


Globus : Research data management simplified

For Help and Support : https://www.globus.org/events/globus-office-hours


XSEDE ALLOCATION REQUESTS Open Submission available until July 15, 2020 for awards starting October 1, 2020

Please contact Vikram Gazula (gazula@uky.edu) if you need any help in applying for allocations, testing codes, benchmarking or writing proposals for XSEDE allocations from

KYCyberteam members. 


Free Research Credits from Commercial vendors

AWS:   https://aws.amazon.com/research-credits/
Google:  https://edu.google.com/programs/credits/research/


The COVID-19 High Performance Computing Consortium

Bringing together the Federal government, industry, and academic leaders to provide access to the world’s most powerful high-performance computing

resources in support of COVID-19 research.


Center for Computational Sciences