Lehmkuhler, Jeffrey W
Lehmkuhler, Jeffrey W. (Department- Animal and food sciences)
The lab Introduction
The research group under the supervision of Dr. Jeff Lehmkuhler mainly deals in investigating various aspects of nutritional strategies in livestock. Understanding nutritional strategies helps in improving meat quality and production efficiency in livestock.
Research project: RNA Sequencing for gene expression analysis in cows
In this project, beef cows and heifers will be grouped into five different groups based on their dietary treatment. Tall fescue hay will be the control group and isoflavone source and their combinations will be dietary treatments. The differences in gene expression between these groups will be investigated. Differential gene expression, cluster analysis, fusion gene analysis, alternative splicing, gene ontology and KEGG pathway analysis will be performed to determine the impact of dietary treatment. Our study will focus more on the mTOR signaling pathway.
PI: Lehmkuhler, Jeffrey W
CoPI: McLeod, Kyle, Added on MCC cluster, 06/22/2022
Postdoc: Harshraj Shinde, Added on MCC cluster, 06/22/2022, Added on LCC cluster on 07/11/2023
Hisat221, htseq, bcftools, samtools, bowtie, fastqc, star275c, tophat211, gff3toolkit, trimmomatic, samtools, sabre1000, tpmcalculator and clust.
Baldwin, Ransom (USDA, BELTSVILLE, MD)
Caroline Loos (UKY)
Center for Computational Sciences