Lu, Caicheng

Group Caicheng Lu (Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)

Introduction of Research activities:
The research focuses on developing fast and efficient algorithms for computational electromagnetics. The applications of such algorithms range from wireless communication, antenna design, imaging processing for non-destructive evaluation, radar scattering, high speed circuit design and analysis.

DLX cluster (previously BCX) has been used for the following projects:

A Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm for Electromagnetic Simulation of Microwave Structures Using Mixed Mesh and Hybrid Integral Equations (NSF):

Descriptoin: To develop integral equation solver for modeling of complex high speed circuit structures with focus on printed circuit modeling.

Research Participants:

PI: Caicheng Lu,
Zhiyong Zeng, Chong Luo, Mouri Lee (RA).

Full-Wave Modeling Using Curvilinear Surface and Volume Meshes for the Calculation of Radar Scattering from Material Coated Targets (ONR):

Description: To develop fast electromagnetic computation software for scattering calculation of dielectric material and conducting objects.

Research Participants:

PI: Caicheng Lu,
Chun Yu (Post-Doc), Chong Luo (RA)

Advanced Electromagnetic Modeling Using Nystrom Method and Hybrid Integral Equations (DARPA):

Description: To develop highly accurate and highly robust algorithm for calculating of scattering by dielectric material objects.

Research Participants:

PI: Stephen Gedney, Co-PI: Caicheng Lu

Development of the novel single-mode electromagnetic resonance technology for rapid and uniform warming of cryopreserved living cells and organs (KSEF)

Description: This project has two parts, experimental and numerical modeling. The numerical modeling part has used UK's HPC system to generate data for analysis of microwave heating of cryoprotected material.

Research Participants:

PI: Caicheng Lu,
Xu Han, and David Luo (RA)
Other projects (for which I am a participant) will be reported by Dr. Stephen Gedney.

Software used:

We primarily focus on testing and evaluation of the algorithms , and hence the software are basically those we developed. Of course, we will use the various compiling software and the related libaries (BLAS, LAPACK, and ScaLAPACK, for example).


Some Publications that have used data by using of DLX (or BCX):
J. Lee, J. Zhang, and C. C. Lu, “Incomplete LU preconditioning for large scale dense complex linear systems from electromagnetic wave scattering problems,” J. Comp. Physics, vol. 185, pp. 158-175, 2003.
C. C. Lu, "A Fast Algorithm Based on Volume Integral Equation for Analysis of Arbitrarily Shaped Dielectric Radomes," IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 606-612, March 2003.
C. C. Lu and C. Luo, “Comparison of iteration convergences of SIE and VSIE for solving electromagnetic scattering problems for coated objects”, Radio Sci., 38(2), 1028, 2003.
S. Gedney and C. C. Lu, “High-order solution for the electromagnetic scattering by inhomogeneous dielectric bodies,” Radio Science, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 15-1 to 15-8, 2003.
C. C. Lu and Chun Yu “Computation of input impedance of printed antennas with finite size and arbitrarily shaped dielectric substrate and ground plane,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 615-619, Feb. 2004
S. Gedney, A. M. Zhu, and C. C. Lu, “Study of Mixed-Order Basis Functions for the Locally-Corrected Nyström Method”, IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagat., vol. 52, no. 11, pp. 2996-3004, Nov. 2004.
C. Yu, C. C. Lu, “Analysis of Finite and Curved Frequency Selective Surfaces Using the Hybrid Volume-Surface Integral Equation Approach,” Micro. Opt. Tech. Lett., Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 107-112, April 2005.
X. Han, D. Gao, D. Luo, C. Yu, and C. C. Lu, “Numerical simulation of the microwave rewarming process of cryopreserved organs,” Micro. Opt. Tech. Lett., Vol. 46, no. 3, August 25, 2005.
C. C. Lu, “A Simple Extrapolation Method Based on Current for Rapid Frequency and Angle Sweeps in Far-Field Calculation of an Integral Equation Algorithm,” Applied Computational Electromagnetic Society Journal, vol. 21, no.1, pp.90-98, March 2006.
Z. Y. Zeng, C. C. Lu, “Discretization of Hybrid VSIE Using Mixed Mesh Elements with Zeroth-Order Galerkin Basis Functions,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 1863-1870, June 2006.
M. Li and C. C. Lu, “A Resonant Extraction Method for Installed Antenna Radiation Calculations”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 2388-2391, Aug. 2007.
C. C. Lu and C. Luo, “EM Scattering Computation Using a Hybrid PMCHWT and Volume Surface Integral Equation Formulation”, Applied Computational Electromagnetic Society Journal, vol. 26, no. 3, Nov. 2007.
C. C. Lu, “Improving the Solution Accuracy of Thin Dielectric Approximation with a Vertical Electric Field Component,” Micro. Opt. Tech. Lett. Vol. 50, no. 7, pp. 1978-1982, May, 2008.

Center for Computational Sciences