Campbell, Kenneth

Campbell, Kenneth

Group research activities:

Translational research focused on heart failure including computer modeling that deploys multiscale approaches that span from millisecond-duration molecular function to month-long organ-level growth


Data-driven optimization of therapy for heart failure: NIH HL163977
Summary: Deploy computer modeling at cell to organ-level scales to predict optimal therapies for patients who have different forms of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction.
Personnel: Kenneth Campbell (Faculty), Utku Gulbulak (Postdoc)

Computational methods:

We use multiscale finite element (FE) modeling techniques in the FEniCS framework, which is an open-source FE solver.  This includes a modular structure that couples ODE systems, which represent calcium and binding kinetics, to the PDE system that represents global structural mechanics.


FEniCS, SingularityP


UK, Ken Campbell, PhD, Utku Gulbulak, PhD


Center for Computational Sciences