Messaoudi Powers, Ilhem

Messaoudi lab-Department: Microbiology, immunology, and Molecular Genetics, College of Medicine

List of projects needs computational data analysis:

  1. Disease Mechanism and vaccines against filoviruses
  2. Mechanisms of Varicella pathogenesis
  3. Imapct of Obesity on maternal and fetal health
  4. Role of Microbiome in enteric Disease
  5. Imapct of Age on Host defense
  6. Imapct of alciohol Use Disorder on Immunity


PI- Dr. Illhem Messaoudi

Scientist-I - Ambika Dudhate, 

Scientist-I- Brianna Doratt, Added 01/18/2022 on MCC

Laboratory Technichian: Isaac Cinco, Added 01/18/2022 on MCC

Post-Doctrol Scholar: Qi Qiao, Added 06/16/2022 on MCC 

Daniel Joung, Added 08/24/2022 on MCC cluster


Alex Pettey, Graduate, Added on MCC, 03/08/2022 

Ethan G Napier, Graduate, Added on MCC, 03/08/2022 

Abraham Dutch, Added on MCC, 11/08/2022 

Madison B Blanton, Graduate, Added on MCC, 01/30/2023 

Heather True, Graduate, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Added on MCC cluster, 05/22/2023 

Ethan V Stuart, Added on MCC cluster, 05/22/2023 

Katie Keen, Added on MCC cluster, 05/22/2023 

Computational Methods:

For RNA seq:

Read QC Read processing, genome assembly, read mapping, Differential expression analysis and annotation


For RNA seq:

Software: FastQC, RSEM, Bowtie, Blast, EBseq, Bioconductor-DeSeq, Bioconductor-edgeR, HTseq (Available on DLX)

Computational Methods:

For microbiome analysis:

Read QC, read Demultiplexing with barcodes specific to read, read processing, Denoising and clustering, Taxonomy assignment, Training of classifiers, Determination of alpha and beta diversity.


For microbiome analysis:

Cut adapt, Qiime2, SRA tool kit, Humann3, Mothur (Available on DLX)


Ilhem Messaoudi Powers, PI

Brianna Doratt, Scientist I, Added 01/18/2022 on MCC

Isaac Cinco, Laboratory Technician, Added 01/18/2022 on MCC



Center for Computational Sciences