Wen, Yuan

Wen lab research activities

My group will perform analyses on various omics datasets, including sequence alignments and mass spectra analyses. We also analyze images and are interested in the application of AI to both medical and research images.

Currently, I am the only person who will be using the HPC cluster. In the future, I will add post-docs and students to my lab group. 


1)    Single cell and single nucleus sequencing analysis of skeletal muscle plasticity

2)    Ribosome specialization in muscle disease and aging

3)    Heritability of height and stature

4)    Novel device for diabetes monitoring and management

Computational methods:

genomic and transcriptomic sequence alignment and analyses. Deep learning for image analysis.


STAR, BWA, bowtie, bowtie2, hisat2, cellranger, singularity, samtools

Center for Computational Sciences