He, Jiangbiao

Our group is specializing in developing high-performance electric motor drives, power converters, and renewable energy systems. The on-going projects include the development of ultra-fast solid-state DC circuit breaker for MVDC systems, and high power density and fault-tolerant aircraft propulsion drives, which have been sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy and NASA-Kentucky. One topic Mr. Pranoy Roy has been focusing on is the cost optimization of hybrid renewable energy which incorporates both the solar power generation, wind turbine generation, and the energy storage. The group is striving to provide dedicated and professional education and training for students and conduct cutting-edge research in the area of electric power energy. We are open to research collaborations with industries, national laboratories, university laboratories.


The only project we request the support from HPC is the optimization of hybrid renewable energy systems, which is currently investigated by Ph.D student, Mr. Pranoy Roy.

Computational Methods:

Mr. Pranoy Roy is investigating system optimization methods such as particle swarm optimization (PSO), for "solar+wind turbine+energy storage" hybrid renewable energy systems.


MATLAB Simulink and PLECS simulation software.

UK and non-UK collaborators:

The only personnel who needs HPC support in our team is Mr. Pranoy Roy. No other collaborators involved on this project at this point.
Reza Ilka (PhD student)
Mohamed Farag (PhD student)




Center for Computational Sciences