Wu, Yadi

Wu, Yadi

Lab Introduction:

Cancer metastasis accounts for 90% cell death. It is critical to understand the molecular mechanism underlying cancer metastasis. The long-term goal of my lab is to better understand the molecular mechanism and cell signaling during cancer progression, particular in metastasis. We focus on the mechanism by which EBF1 signaling regulates tumor metastasis and other molecular mechanism involved in cancer progression.

Project 1: Characterize the role of EBF1 in breast cancer progression

In this project, we will investigate the EBF1-mediated signaling. For this purpose, we will knockdown EBF1 and perform RNA-Seq with normal and EBF1 knockdown breast cancer cells. The cluster will be used to map RNAseq reads. In addition, we will test the targets of EBF1 with CHIP_Seq. The cluster will be used to map the CHIP-Seq reads. 

Projects 2:  FBXO24 in immunotherapy

We will analyze the TCDA dataset.  The pan-cancer gene expression and patient annotation datasets of TCGA were retrieved from the Genomic Data Commons (GDC) of the National Cancer Institute (https://gdc.cancer.gov/) (Thorsson et al., 2018). FBXO24-immune gene signature in immunotherapy datasets will be analyzed. 


Dongjin Du, on MCC, added 12/08/2021

Xiang Song, Added on LCC cluster, 06/21/2022, Added to MCC cluster on 07/12/2023 

Computational Methods:

Read processing, genome assembly, read mapping and annotation.


Cufflinks v2.2.1, GSEA v4.0.3, Bowtie 2, RepEnrich2, Partek Genomics Suite, Deeptools v3.1.2,VennDiagram R package, GSVA R package, STAR,
Software availability: all programs are accessible.


Michael Du



Center for Computational Sciences