


Dear HPC Users,

We want to alert you to an important communication from the administration regarding updated NIH data management policies that will impact users of controlled-access genomic data. Starting January 25, 2025, all users managing such data must ensure compliance with NIST SP 800-171 standards.

Please be aware that the Center for Computational Sciences (CCS) compute and storage systems are not compliant with these updated NIH policies. As a result, all users handling controlled-access genomic data must migrate affected datasets out of CCS systems and into compliant facilities by the January 25, 2025 deadline.

These updated NIH policies require security measures for controlled-access data to maintain access to repositories such as dbGaP, NDA, NIAGADS, AMP PD, and others. To avoid disruptions to your research, we urge all users to take immediate steps to review their datasets and ensure they are stored and processed in compliant environments.

To assist you in this process or address concerns, please fill out this REDCap survey and a consultant will contact you to assist you.



Do not run jobs or I/O-intensive processes on the login nodes. You must use the
Slurm batch scheduler. Repeatedly locking up the login nodes may result in your
account being suspended.

Storage policy:
PLEASE DO NOT RUN TOUCH on /scratch/linkblue/ or /pscratch/linkblue/

All data in /scratch and /pscratch has a 90-day file retention policy (files not accessed in scratch and group project scratch for 90 days will be
automatically deleted).

To view your projects, billing accounts, and allocated SUs, run:
$ lcc projects

Center for Computational Sciences