Basic Navigation

When working through SSH, your commands are executed within the context of your current working directory. This means that the location in the file system where you are "standing" affects the behavior of your commands. Understanding how to navigate and manipulate your current working directory is fundamental to effectively using HPC systems. This section will cover essential commands that allow you to identify your current directory, list its contents, and move between directories.


Useful Commands

  1. Print Working Directory


    This command displays the full path of your current working directory, helping you identify your location within the file system.

  2. List Directory Contents


    This command lists the files and subdirectories within your current directory, allowing you to see what is present and available to interact with.

    ls -l

    This command provides a detailed listing of the directory's contents, including file permissions, the number of links, the owner, the group, the size, and the modification date.

    This command lists all files in the directory, including hidden files (files starting with a dot).

  3. Change Directory

    This command changes your current working directory to a specified one, enabling you to navigate the file system.

    This command changes your current directory to the parent directory (one level up).

    This command changes your current directory to your home directory.


Each command has additional options (or "flags") to modify their behavior. For more detailed information about each command and its available flags, you can use the manual pages by executing man command, for example, man ls, on the login nodes.

Center for Computational Sciences