File Editing and Viewing

Editing and viewing files directly from the command line is a common task in HPC environments. This section covers essential commands and tools for manipulating and examining file contents.


Useful Commands

  1. Viewing File Contents

    cat filename

    Outputs the entire contents of the file. Be cautious with large files as this command may cause timeout issues.

    less filename

    Displays contents of the file one screen/page at a time, allowing for easier navigation through large files.

    head filename tail filename

    head outputs the first 10 lines of the file by default, while tail displays the last 10 lines. Use -n flag to specify a different number of lines.

  2. Editing Text Files

    Editing text files directly from the command line is common in HPC environments. Three main text-editing software are typically available on HPC systems: nano, vim, and emacs. Each editor has its own strengths and learning curve, and many users have their preferred choice based on personal preference and familiarity. To learn more about the differences, see Vim vs. Nano vs. Emacs: Three sysadmins weigh in | Enable Sysadmin (

    For detailed instructions on using each editor, please refer to the following links:
    - GNU Nano Documentation
    - Vim Documentation
    - GNU Emacs Documentation

    These resources provide comprehensive guides and tutorials to help you get started with your preferred text editor.

  3. Searching Within Files

    Searches for "search-string" within file. If found, grep outputs the line containing "search-string" to the terminal. Use -i for case-insensitive search or -r for recursive search in directories.


These commands provide fundamental capabilities for viewing, editing, and searching file contents. Each command mentioned may have additional options (flags) to modify its behavior, allowing for more specific operations. For detailed information about each command and its available flags, refer to the manual pages by executing man command (e.g., man grep) on the login nodes. Understanding these commands will enable you to efficiently handle file operations and enhance your productivity on HPC systems.

Center for Computational Sciences