How to Get Help
Email if you don't have an active linkblue ID just yet. When responding to HPC help emails, please use the "Reply All" option so that all of our staff are included in the conversation and can assist with any ongoing issues. After you have a linkblue id, you can follow the instructions below.
Submitting tickets
Please submit a ticket through the site below if you have any technical questions about the UK's HPC resources. Feel free to open an Atlassian account to keep track of your tickets or open a ticket using your preferred email address.
CCS - Jira Service Management (
Slack chat app
The UKY-HELP-HPC Slack community is an initiative to build engagement among the HPC users at the University of Kentucky. We expect this platform to:
Enable informal interaction with the community.
Find users of a similar application and share experiences or tips.
We hope this platform will evolve as a space for Knowledge Sharing. Anyone within the University of Kentucky can sign up for access to the community -
(We restrict signup to or email address at the moment)
If you don't have an or email address, contact us for an invitation at
Download Slack Desktop Clients
Download Slack App for mobile
Center for Computational Sciences