Globus Non-POSIX Installation
This guide details the process of setting up a Globus Connect Server node to connect non-POSIX storage systems to Globus.
For all of these storage systems, you will need to a paid Globus Subscription.
These instructions use a Rocky 8/9 server. For others, go to the Globus Connect Server Install Guide.
Globus Endpoint Creation
Run the following commands to install the Globus Connect Server software and create an endpoint.
Rocky 8
# Install Globus Connect Server
sudo dnf install
sudo dnf install
sudo dnf module disable mod_auth_openidc
sudo dnf install 'dnf-command(config-manager)'
sudo dnf install globus-connect-server54
Rocky 9
sudo dnf install
sudo dnf install
sudo dnf install 'dnf-command(config-manager)'
sudo dnf install globus-connect-server54
After Install
# Configure firewall for necesary ports only
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=443/tcp
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=50000-51000/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload
# Create a new endpoint and login to Globus to begin configuring
globus-connect-server endpoint setup --organization "University of XXXXXX" \
--owner "" --contact-email "" \
globus-connect-server node setup
globus-connect-server login localhost
Google Drive/OneDrive
Following instructions for Google Drive-specific steps from
Go to Google Developer Console and create a new project.
The project MUST be associated with your organization; make sure you are using a Gmail associated with you institution to set this backend up.
Go to “Enable API & Services“. Search for and Enable the following APIs.
Cloud Storage
Google Cloud Storage JSON API
Cloud Resource Manager API
Google Drive API
Go to “OAuth consent screen” to begin configuring the Google OAuth Consent Screen that will be shown to users when they access the Globus Google Drive endpoint.
App name: Globus Connect Server
Set ““ as App domain
Add ““ and your institution’s domain to “authorized domains”
Add emails for User support and Developer contact.
On “Scopes” page, select “Add or Remove Scopes“ and past the following into the “Manually add scopes“ box to allow the app to use Google Drive API.
Go to “Credentials“ and select “Create Credentials > OAuth Client ID”
On the following screen, specify “Web application“ and set the authorized redirect URL to the Google auth callback URL created when the endpoint is first setup:
For this node, this is
. For another node, you can find the domain name for this URL by runningglobus-connect-server endpoint show
on the endpoint node.
Back at the node, provide the generated client ID and secret when creating a storage gateway with a GoogleDrive connector.
globus-connect-server storage-gateway create google-drive "UK Google Drive" \ --google-client-id ${CLIENT_ID} --google-client-secret ${CLIENT_SECRET} \ --allowed-domains \ --identity-mapping file:identity-mapping.json \ --restrict-paths file:path-restrictions.json # This command should print out a UUID number globus-connect-server collection create <UUID#> "/" "Your Institution's Google Drive Collection"
OneDrive Configuration
Go to Microsoft Azure app registration and select “New Registration“
Set the following for the app
Name: Globus Connect Server
Select “Account in this organizational directory only (Single Tenant)“
Select “Web” and use for the Redirect URI
Select “API Permission”, then “+ Add a permission”. Select “Graph Permission > Delegated permissions“ then add the following permissions
OpenId permissions: check email, offline_access, openid, profile.
Files: check Files.ReadWrite.All.
User: check User.Read.
Sites: check Sites.ReadWrite.All.
Select “Certificates & secrets”, then “+ New client secret“ to generate keys for Globus to operate with this auth app.
Add a description and set the expiration to 12 months
Make sure to copy the secret value in the Value column before leaving the page for the next step. If you navigate away from this page; you will no longer we able to copy it and have to re-create the secret.
Select “Overview“ and note both the “Application (client) ID“ and the “Directory (tenant) ID” value as well.
Back at the node, provide the generated IDs and secret when creating a storage gateway with a OneDrive connector.
The identity map file and path restrict file used for configuration are located in
directory.globus-connect-server storage-gateway create onedrive "UK OneDrive" \ --domain \ --ms-client-id ${CLIENT_ID} --ms-client-secret ${MS_SECRET} --ms-tenant ${DIRECTORY_ID}\ --identity-mapping file:identity-mapping.json \ --restrict-paths file:path-restrictions.json # This command should print out a UUID number globus-connect-server collection create <UUID#> '/' "Your Institution's OneDrive Collection"
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