LCC storage Quotas

All data in /scratch and /pscratch has a 90-day file retention policy (files not accessed in scratch and group project scratch for 90 days will be automatically deleted).

NameLocationQuota/Limit90-day file deletion policyIs Data backed up ?
User scratch$SCRATCH25 TB (per user)YesNo
Group project scratch$PSCRATCH/PI_linkblue_uksr   50 TB(shared among all members in a PI group)YesNo
User home$HOME10 GB(per user)NoNo
Group Project home$PROJECT/PI_linkblue_uksr1 TB(shared among all members in a PI groupNoNo

  • We provide additional 10TB storage per PI on our Object store that is not connected to the HPC cluster and this is by request only and not by default. Please contact us if you need accounts on our Object storage.

Note: We do not back up any user data on the systems. Please make your own backups to other resources.

Please see the link for updated paths to your allocated storage spaces: Paths to use in your job scripts.

The command "/usr/local/bin/lcc quotas" will show your current storage quotas for your accounts on LCC cluster.

For all large data transfers, please login to our data transfer node (DTN) and do your transfers(rclone, scp etc). The login nodes are on a slower external up-link connection.

We also provide a GLOBUS endpoint on our DTN node for external data transfers. See here for details How To Transfer Files with Globus on LCC 

For condo users who purchased additional storage on our NAS Gemini system; instructions on how to copy and move data from LCC and external resources

Please follow instructions here. How to copy data to/from GEMINI (NAS) Storage

Center for Computational Sciences