How to configure Rclone to access your SharePoint

How to configure Rclone to access your SharePoint

How to configure personal Sharepoint

All the operations are on the MCC cluster DTN node "mcc-dtn.ccs.uky.edu"

You will need three ssh terminals open to mcc-dtn.ccs.uky.edu. Note that for the third terminal specifically, you should specify the -X flag.

In all the 3 terminals, load the same version of rclone in your path(there are multiple versions of rclone installed, use the latest version listed below) 

           module load ccs/rclone/1.59.2

In terminal 1, start configuring rclone to access your SharePoint site

           rclone config (and follow the steps shown below.)

  • Select option 32 (Microsoft OneDrive)

 Follow the steps below until the Option config token.

In terminal 2 that is connected to MCC-DTN node, type the command

rclone authorize "onedrive"

In terminal 3 that is connected to  MCC-DTN, open the Firefox browser running the command

In the Firefox browser, paste the text that is prompted in terminal 2

Follow the prompts from the browser to approve rclone to access your SharePoint account as shown below.

Once the browser prompts success, you can close it and exit terminal 3.

In terminal 2 copy the code generated from your authorization.

Paste the code that you copied in terminal 2 into terminal 1 at the prompt config_token as show below. (Make sure there are no line breaks when you are copying).

After you paste your key in terminal 1, follow the prompts to select you config_type  as 4 (search)

Follow the prompts to search for the site from your SharePoint account as follows and quit the configuration.

Now your rclone is configured to access your Sharepoint account. You can confirm that by running the command

rclone ls uky-sharepoint:

How to access the SharePoint directory shared with you

Center for Computational Sciences