Open OnDemand
Open OnDemand (OOD) is a web portal that provides an easy way to access HPC resources. Center for Computation Science (CCS) operates OOD for our LCC cluster.
1. Connecting to OOD
Dashboard App Reference:
Users who have valid access to LCC HPC system can access using web browsers (except Safari) and authenticate with UKY Linkblue id and password as shown below.
Users who have valid access to MCC HPC system can access using web browsers (except Safari) and authenticate with UKY Linkblue id and password.
Once you are authenticated, then you will be able to see the front page of CCS's OOD web portal as shown below.
2. File Management
File App Reference:
The 'File' menu in the top navigation bar of the OOD web portal allows users to operates basic file managements using web user interface. You can click 'Home Directory' button under 'Files' button as shown below.
Once you click the button, It will open up a separate browser tab that shows files on your home directory.
As you can see the figure above, users can perform tasks like below in this file explorer:
View files
Edit files
Rename files
Download / Upload files
Copy / Paste files
Delete files
Go to different folder
Open Terminal
Create files
Create directories
3. Shell Access
Shell App Reference:
The OOD web portal also provides terminal access through web user interface. Users can access web-based terminal by clicking '>_Lipscomb Compute Cluster (LCC) Shell Access' button under 'Clusters' menu of main page or clicking '>_Open in Terminal' button in file explorer page.
When you click those buttons, it will open a new web browser tab and will start a terminal as shown below.
4. List Active Jobs
Active Jobs App Reference:
Users can view all active jobs on the cluster by clicking 'Active Jobs' button under 'Jobs' menu in the main page.
It will open up a new web page that shows the list of all active jobs (Running, Queued, Completed) like figure shown below. You can view only your jobs by selecting 'Your Jobs' button under first drop down button on the right top corner.
Also, you can view the details of the job by clicking '>' on the left side of each job.
5. Job Composer
Job Composer App Reference:
Users can use a job composer that provides a web-based utility for creating and managing batch jobs from templates. Users can click 'Job Composer' button under 'Jobs' menu on the main page.
Once users click the button, it will open a new web page like figure shown below.
6. VNC - Interactive App
1) Click on Interactive Apps
2) Click on the LCC desktop option on the left and fill in the values for your
a) slurm account (your slurm account)
b) time needed for your VNC desktop session
c) number of cores needed (make sure you ask for only what you need)
d) if any GPU's needed ( make sure you pick the GPU queue in next field)
e) queue name where you want to run the VNC session
3) Click on launch button
4)Then wait for the scheduler to allocate a node with the specs requested.
5) Click on the Launch Lipscomb Compute Cluster button
6) That should open a VNC remote desktop session on a compute node.
7) Once you are done with your VNC session come back to My Interactive Session at the top and delete your session.
Center for Computational Sciences