Software Description:
Trinotate is a comprehensive annotation suite designed for automatic functional annotation of transcriptomes, particularly de novo assembled transcriptomes, from model or non-model organisms. Trinotate makes use of a number of different well referenced methods for functional annotation including homology search to known sequence data (BLAST+/SwissProt), protein domain identification (HMMER/PFAM), protein signal peptide and transmembrane domain prediction (signalP/tmHMM), and leveraging various annotation databases (eggNOG/GO/Kegg databases).
Software Home Page: Trinotate
Software Documentation:
To run this software in a Linux environment on LCC,
run the command(s):
#To load module module load ccs/conda/trinotate-3.2.0 #To unload module conda deactivate
, multiple selections available,
Center for Computational Sciences