Software Description:
phyluce (phy-loo-chee) is a software package that was initially developed for analyzing data collected from ultraconserved elements in organismal genomes (see References and http://ultraconserved.org for additional information).
The package now includes a number of tools spanning:
- the assembly of raw read data to contigs
- the separation of UCE loci from assembled contigs
- parallel alignment generation, alignment trimming, and alignment data summary methods in preparation for analysis
- alignment and SNP calling using UCE or other types of raw-read data.
Software Home Page: phyluce
Software Documentation:
To run this software in a Linux environment on LCC,
run the command(s):
#To load module module load ccs/conda/phyluce-1.6.7 #To unload module conda deactivate
, multiple selections available,
Center for Computational Sciences