Software Description:
CrossMap provides convenient conversion of genome coordinates between different assemblies, also referred to as a liftover. The current version of CrossMap is v0.2.1. Unlike other tools, CrossMap is able to liftover many of the common bioinformatics file formats including: .bed, .vcf, .bigwig, .gff, .gtf, .wiggle, and .bedGraph CrossMap is used by Ensembl's web-based liftover tool, though the tool only supports conversion between GRCh assemblies: http://uswest.ensembl.org/Homo_sapiens/Tools/AssemblyConverter
Software Home Page: CrossMap
Software Documentation:
To run this software in a Linux environment on LCC,
run the command(s):
#To load module module load ccs/conda/crossmap-0.3.4 #To unload module conda deactivate
, multiple selections available,
Center for Computational Sciences