Yu, Tingting
Our research group mainly focuses on software testing, most recent activities involve performance testing for large scale open source project. We are discovering the relationship between the Continuous Integration usage and the program development, particularly for software testing. The focus is on large scale processing of open source projects on GitHub, including retrieving some basic properties of projects for testing and development. Most of the data analysis will use Matlab and Python programming languages.
A framework for continuous testing
Develop a continuous integration testing framework and evaluate the cost-effectiveness of different test selection and prioritization techniques on real-world software projects. Currently the project is trying to have a statistical analysis of open source projects on GitHub in bulk and trying the evaluate the git-log information of repositories in clusters. Our personal computer will not suffice the requirement of dealing of a thousand of projects in a fast time frame. To complete the statistic part, the project demands high speed and high capacity computation when saving and processing data from projects on GitHub.
Faculty: Dr. Tingting Yu
Ting Wang, Graduate
- Python 3
- Git
- Maven
- Jenkins
- Filezilla
- Matlab
Our research group mainly focuses on software testing, most recent activities involve performance testing for large scale open source project.
Faculty: Dr. Tingting Yu
Graduate RA(s): Xue Han
1. GrammaTech CodeSurfer
2. Apache Server
3. MySQL
4. Postfix
5. PostgreSQL
6. lighttpd
7. RayTracer
8. Codelite
9. Tasteful Server
10. VLC Media Player
11. LinuxDC plus plus
12. Bitcoin
13. Filezilla
14. GGCount
Center for Computational Sciences