How To Transfer Files with Globus on LCC

Globus Data Transfer is a simplified way to access and move your research data, across all storage systems, using

any existing identity  (Linkblue Account). Transfer data to and from systems such as:

  • LCC Cluster
  • Laptops
  • Lab / departmental storage
  • Off-campus resources (XSEDE, National Labs)

Access them all using a web browser GUI.

This step-by-step guide will show you how to login into Globus and use it to transfer files between Globus Endpoints and LCC. 

1. Log in with an existing identity to Globus endpoint

You must log in to the Globus website to initiate any transfers. Visit and click "Login" at the top of the page.

On the Globus login page, choose an organization "University of Kentucky" from drop-down list of organizations.

When you have selected it, click "Continue"

You will be redirected to University of Kentucky's login page. Enter your Linblue Credentials and "Login" to continue.

Once you have successfully logged in, Globus will ask if you'd like to link an existing account. If you already used another account or

method with Globus, you can choose "Link to an existing account" If this is your first time logging into Globus, click "Continue."

Now you will be prompted to accept Globus user agreement to complete the Sign Up process.

Finally, you need to give Globus permission to use your identity to access information and perform actions (like file transfer) on your behalf.

2. "The File Manager"

After successfully logged in to Globus, you will begin at the File Manager at main dashboard.

3. Access "LCC Globus Endpoint (Collection)"

Click in the "Collection" field at the top of the File Manager page and type "uky#lcc" Globus will list collections with the matching names.

Click on uky#lcc endpoint from the list.

Globus will prompt for Username and Password to connect to LCC. Please enter your "Linkblue Credentials" and click


4. Start a file transfer

Globus will connect to LCC collection and display the default directory, Click the "Path" field and change it to directory path

that you wish to transfer. Click on "Transfer or Sync to..." in the command panel on the right side of page. A new collection panel will open, type destination collection that you wish to transfer files to. Follow instructions similar to connecting to LCC for destination collection.

In this example, I am transferring files from LCC to XSEDE Comet resources.

Select the files on left side that you wish transfer and enter the "Path" for destination where you would like to transfer files on right side.

Click "Start" button at the bottom to initiate the transfer of selected files.

Globus will display a green notification panel - confirming that the transfer request was submitted.

5. Check transfer status

After transfer submitted, it will add a badge to the Activity item in the command menu on the left of the page. Click on "Activity" to

see the status of transfer. You will also receive an email notification with the transfer details.

6. Confirm transfer

Click "File Manager" in the command menu on the left of the page to return to File Manager. You should notice that the files from "LCC"

are now transferred to "XSEDE Comet"

Create a Personal Collection

  1. Download the "Globus Connect Personal Application" for your laptop or workstation
    1. Follow Step 1 as above to get your account setup on
    2. Install Globus Connect Personal as per your workstation's OS.
    3. Run the installer as directed.



2. This will ask you to name your local endpoint

  • Enter descriptive name for your local endpoint for ex: john-smith-workstation        
  • Next it will generate a unique key for your computer. Copy that to your clipboard once created, you will need it in next step below.

3. Once installation is successful, it will leave the agent running on your laptop or workstation.

4. Your local workstation (or Laptop) is now a Globus Collection.

5. Follow above Step 4 to use to transfer data between LCC to your workstation, just search for your personal endpoint name

when selecting the destination endpoint.

Key Concepts

  • Globus Collection - A Globus “collection” is any other computer running the Globus Connect software, whether a server, laptop, or an HPC cluster.
  • Shared Collection - A folder containing the files/folders you want to share. To grant access to other users, you create a “shared collection” from this folder.
  • Globus ID - The unique ‘handle’ or user ID for the person you want to share with. This is typically in the form of
  • Globus Groups - You can share folders or files to either specific individuals, or to groups that you create and manage within Globus. A group must be populated with at least one user.

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

Center for Computational Sciences