Using Globus Command Line Interface
Step 1:
module load ccs/conda/globus-cli
Step 2:
globus login
Copy the URL provided. Insert into your web browser and go to the site. Authenticate and copy the authorization code back to the terminal.
Step 3:
globus endpoint search uky
This will return a list of all endpoints associated with UKY. Find the ID for 'MCC-DTN' (ID: cbd47499-3054-4edf-bacf-5baea8e8be83) or 'LCC-DTN', (ID: c0846116-c521-4387-9d6b-6d22c11f4f66).
Step 4:
globus login --gcs cbd47499-3054-4edf-bacf-5baea8e8be83 #for MCC
Authorize access to the Globus endpoint. As with step 2, a URL will be provided, and authentication will be performed through a browser.
Step 5:
globus collection list cbd47499-3054-4edf-bacf-5baea8e8be83
List the collections available on the endpoint. To access your files, use 'uky#mcc' (ID: 3a4f8299-fda4-468c-b827-ab63fb5d98c0) or "uky#lcc" (ID: 0297de3c-363c-467a-9e34-a511daeec6f1).
Step 6:
globus session consent '[*]'
Authorize access to the collection. (You must change the ID in the URL to reflect the collection you wish to authorize!) As with step 2, a URL will be provided, and authentication will be performed through a browser.
Step 7:
globus ls 3a4f8299-fda4-468c-b827-ab63fb5d98c0:/home/linkblue_id
This will list all the files available under the directory /home/linkblue_id
Step 8:
Repeat the above steps beginning from Step 3 for Gemini, Seagate, or LCC.
Step 9:
To initiate a transfer from mcc#uky to lcc#uky, for example:
globus transfer 3a4f8299-fda4-468c-b827-ab63fb5d98c0:/home/linkblue_id/test.file 0297de3c-363c-467a-9e34-a511daeec6f1:/home/linkblue_id/test.file
This will schedule the transfer from /home/linkblue_id/test.file on MCC to /home/linkblue_id/test.file on LCC.
Center for Computational Sciences