Accessing a OneDrive/Sharepoint Account via Globus

Accessing a OneDrive/Sharepoint Account via Globus

Currently, CCS has a collection on Globus UKY One Drive Collection. This collection will allow you to connect your UKY OneDrive and SharePoint to Globus and transfer files between them and other collections, such as the collections we also have setup for MCC, LCC, and Ceph. This document details the steps to connect OneDrive and SharePoint to such a collection.

If you have an account on LCC or MCC, then you should also have access to this collection.

If you cannot access this collection, please open a ticket with the CCS Support Desk. Please include your Linkblue ID.

Authenticating and Connecting to OneDrive

Login to globus.org and search for UKY OneDrive Collection in "File Manager". When accessing the collection, you will authenticate as you normally would for any other collection. Click "Continue" and select/link an appropriate identity to access the collection.

After authenticating, you will receive the following message to perform additional setup to connect a One Drive account. Click "Continue" to begin the process.

Navigating through your One Drive on Globus

Once this is complete, you'll be able to access your One Drive and begin transferring data. Every One Drive account will have the following directories on the root path.

  • My Files: Files you individually own.
  • Shared: Any individual files/directories shared with you.
  • Shared libraries: SharePoint libraries that you follow. Each one will show up as it's own directory.

You will usually start in /My Files; use the "Up One Folder" Button to get to the root and access the other directories.

Accessing Files on a SharePoint Site

For a SharePoint library to show up in Globus, you need to be following it. To follow one, go to https://luky.sharepoint.com. If the site shows up on your home page, you can click on the Star icon in the top-right of the site to follow it. 

If you typically access any shared files as a part of Teams, you can access the SharePoint site by clicking on the "Open in SharePoint" button while looking at files In Teams.

If you are on the SharePoint site itself, the follow button is also in the top-right corner.

Tips on Working with Globus OneDrive

  • OneDrive/Sharepoint impose a number of limitations, including max file sizes, number of files, and transfer rate. Globus cannot circumvent these limitations, so it's a good idea to check these out before starting to transfer. Often, the resolution to transfer a large amount of files (at least around 1TB or more) may be to break it down into multiple transfers that are scheduled out over a number of hours or once a day (depending on just how size).
  • Sometimes, a transfer may stall because a file may repeatedly fail "integrity checks". This usually occurs when transferring older versions of Microsoft-specific file formats like PowerPoint or Word documents, as OneDrive may be implicitly updating the files to their newest versions. To get past this, you can start a new transfer with integrity checking turned off. We advise manually verifying files transferred this way, but most of the time they will still  transfer without errors.

For most/all of these tips, the options they reference are under "Timer & Transfer Options" on the "File Manager" page.

Center for Computational Sciences